Shamat II: Map Format

The Shamat II map file is a JSON object with the following properties in the tables below. The Constant column is the constant (const) from the shamat.js script file. The Key column is the value of this constant, which is used on the key side of a JSON key-value pair. The Value is what kind of data you can expect the key-value pair to contain in the map.

Map Metadata

Constant Key Value
FILEKEYVERS shamat2ver Shamat II application version number the map was created in; text (but typically represents a decimal)
FILEKEYROWS rows Rows in the map; integer
FILEKEYCOLS cols Columns in the map; integer
FILEKEYNAME name The map’s name; text
FILEKEYAUTH author The map’s author; text
FILEKEYITER iteration Iteration of the map (how many times it’s been edited); integer
FILEKEYGRAN grain Horizontal/Vertical constant; integer
FILEKEYLWGT lineweight Weight of hex grid lines; integer
FILEKEYSHAD shade Greyscale value of hex grid; integer
FILEKEYZOOM zoom Zoom level of map; integer
FILEKEYTRNO translucenton Is translucency enabled; boolean
FILEKEYTRNA translucentamt Degree of translucency; float
FILEKEYMHEX mhex Megahex overlay settings; five values separated by pipe (|) character
FILEKEYMHWT mhwt Megahex line weight; integer
FILEKEYMHDT mhdt Megahex dot weight; integer
DATAHEX hexes Collection of hex definitions; see Hex Data table for details
CUSTOMCOLORS custclrs Collection of custom color definitions; see Custom Colors section below
BDROPOBJ backdrop Backdrop image data; see Backdrop Image section below

Hex Data

Each entry in this collection contains the full definition of a single map hex.

Constant Key Value
HKEY_X x X position of hex
HKEY_Y y Y position of hex
HKEY_BASE b Base layer data pair collection; see Data Pairs section below
HKEY_TERRAIN t Terrain layer data pair collection
HKEY_OVERLAY o Overlay layer data pair collection
HKEY_FEATURE f Feature layer data pair collection
HKEY_DECOR d Decor layer data pair collection
HKEY_SYMBOL s Symbol layer data pair collection
HKEY_ANNOT a Annotation layer data pair collection

Data Pair

Many values in a hex definition are a collection of data pairs. These usually represent a graphic symbol’s number and its corresponded color number. Data pairs are defined with the following format:

Constant Key Value
DATAPAIR_CTYPE c The number code of the graphic element (for example, 30 for the Apex graphic)
DATAPAIR_ROTAT r The rotation of the current element, typically a value from 0 to 5 based on 60 degree hex facing increments (for example, 3 is a 180 degree rotation for most components)
DATAPAIR_MATER m The number code of the element’s color (for example, 5 for Wood)

Custom Colors

Custom colors are an array of key-value pairs. The array index is the color number, and the key-value pair is the color’s name as the key and the color’s hex representation as the value. Please note that the leading # in the hex representation is left out of the map file, as this can cause problems with some JSON parsers, which treat the character as the start of a comment. So you will need to add this back in when casting the hex value as a color representation. Here is an example from the Shadekeep house color file:


100 is the color's index value, in this case the first number of the custom colors. Benthic is the name of the color. 6aa9ac is the hex value of the color, which will need to be modified to #6aa9ac for use in most cases, unless you wish to parse it manually in your own code.

Backdrop Image

Any backdrop image included with map is saved as an object withint the save file. The backdrop key identifies the object, and the key-value pairs below reside inside that object.

Note that Shamat II does not use the [-BACKDROPIMAGE-] header that Shamat did to detect the presence of a backdrop. The easiest test is to look instead for the presence of image data in the BDROPDATA key-value pair. If this key is absent then there is no backdrop image.

Constant Key Value
BDROPDIMNW naturalWidth The actual width of the backdrop image in pixels
BDROPDIMNH naturalHeight The actual height of the backdrop image in pixels
BDROPDIMRW renderWidth The width of the image in pixels as displayed on the map
BDROPDIMRH renderHeight The height of the image in pixels as displayed on the map
BDROPOFFX offsetX Backdrop horizontal offset in pixels
BDROPOFFY offsetY Backdrop vertical offset in pixels
BDROPDATA imgdata Image data in encoded format